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Payroll - A beginners guide to bereavement leave.

There are few certainties in life, and the sad reality is, death is part of life and at some time, your employees are going to require bereavement leave.

This blog provides a brief overview of bereavement leave.

1. Employee's generally become entitled to Bereavement leave after six months of continuous employment. (There is other qualifying criteria for other employee's that have not worked continuously)

2. It can be taken at any time and for any purpose relating to the death.

3. An employee doesn’t have to use bereavement leave straight away or on consecutive days.

4. An employee is entitled to three days leave in the instance of the death of an immediate family member or one day on the death of another person if their employer accepts they’ve had a bereavement or they have certain cultural responsibilities in relation to the deceased.

5. Bereavement leave is paid at the employee's relevant daily pay, or if this can not be ascertained, the employees's average daily pay. Payment is only made if it is the employee's ordinary working day.

6. There is nothing in legislation to say that an employee must provide evidence of the death. The concept of good faith must prevail.

In all cases, if you are uncertain, please contact me and I will do my best to help.


Pay Check


302 Yarrow Street, Richmond, Invercargill, New Zealand

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